Our fishing
As well as our stocked fish we are pleased to have a good head of wild brown trout and the occasional grayling

About our club
Frensham Fly Fishers has access to approximately five miles of bank of the River Wey around Frensham and Tilford which we fish between April and September
We are a relaxed and friendly club that is run by its members and as such we undertake caretaking duties ourselves such as stocking the river with brown and rainbow trout and occasional bank clearing parties in the winter - all members are encouraged to participate as much as possible

River Quality
Frensham Fly Fishers was founded in 1957 - since its inception we have considered ourselves as guardians of our river environment. We are actively involved with the Anglers Riverfly Monitoring Initiative (ARMI) and carry out regular invertebrate monitoring along all our beats - you can find out more about this in our Fly Life section